Difficulty rating: 2/10 (4/10 if you're hungover like us)
Duration: 1.5 hours (This hike begins and ends at the same point so the round-trip takes 1.5 hours. However, to get to the beginning of the hike from the MTR is another 20 mins.)
Cell Service: 5/5
Instagrammability: 4/5 (Great panoramic views of Deep Water Bay. However, we only had blue skies in the beginning as it got quite gloomy after.)

How to Get There:

Hiking Directions:
Walk across the road, behind the elevator (image 1) towards Singapore International School (image 2).
Turn right (image 2) and walk up the hill (image 3).
As you keep walking up the hill, you will reach Canadian International School (image 4).
Keep walking up on Nam Long Shan road (image 5).
You will see the trail head marked "Nam Long Shan Road Garden" (image 6).
We didn't have to navigate much as Milo 🐶led the way!
