This hike is a fantastic, quick getaway from the city, with some really cool fortification ruins to explore.

Difficulty Rating: 3/10 (The path is well-paved throughout)
Duration: 1 hour (The hike is super short, but you can spend more time at the Peak itself, it's a great picnic spot!)
Cell Service: 5/5
Instagrammability: 5/5 (Stunning views on all sides!)
How to Get There:

Hiking Directions:
Once you get out of Exit A in Yau Tong, take the escalator up to G/F of Domain Mall (image 1).
Walk across to the other side of the mall, towards Tai Hing restaurant (image 2). Exit the mall from the rear exit, to 'Ko Chiu Road'.
Walk uphill along Ko Chiu Road, towards Lei Yue Mun Estate housing (image 3).
When you see a sign marked 'Chinese Permanent Cemetery' (image 4), turn right to walk towards it.
Continue walking uphill for about 650 metres, until you see a sign marked 'Wilson Trail' (image 5).
The stairs to begin the trail will be seen on your left (image 6). Cross the street and take those stairs up.
Continue along the trail, until you see a sign for 'Devil's Peak Fortification' (image 7). Take a small detour to check out the remains of this battery from WWII.
Head back the same way to the main trail and continue to Devil's Peak (image 8).
Once you arrive at the peak, make sure you walk around to take in the view from all sides!
To head back, simply take the same path back down, and head back to Yau Tong MTR station.

Devil's Peak Fortification is a really cool spot to check out and take a little break from climbing!

The path towards Devil's peak, as well as the peak itself, have 360º views. It is absolutely gorgeous on a nice day, and perfect for a picnic.