This photo was taken from "Lugard Road Lookout". However, you can also go to the Peak's observation deck for equally spectacular views! [Photo credits: tscapades]

Difficulty rating: 3/10
A short sprint of steps in the beginning, and then relatively easy after that.
Duration: 2-2.5 hours
Cell Service: 5/5
Instagrammability: 4/5
Be sure to do this hike on a clear day, because the view from the peak is not as visible when it's foggy!
How to get there:

There were cute huts and seating areas along the trail, and the Victoria Peak Garden (right) is any dog-lover's dream come true, as it is full of puppies playing fetch with their owners!
Hiking Directions:
Once you come out of the MTR elevator, walk up the hill on Pok Fu Lam Road (image 1). When you see a crossing, cross the road to stay on the left side.
Keep walking up until you see a gas station. Just before it, there is a flight of stairs going up (image 2). That is the start of the trail.
Keep walking up the stairs. Follow the sign towards Pinewood Battery (image 3)
Keep following the signs for "Morning Trail" and "The Peak".
When you get to the Peak Galleria (image 4), you can either continue on the trail by turning left and taking the path upward towards Victoria Peak Garden, or you can go into the mall, where there is a free deck to take great photos!
You will arrive at a path that splits three ways (image 5). Take the path in the middle.
Then, at the next fork, take the path on the right (image 6).
To get back, you can either take a bus from the Peak Galleria bus terminus to Admiralty MTR, or you can take the same hiking path back down to HKU.
